初二英语(knock knock 笑话)
2024-09-25 03:05:17


advice sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(别)做某事

advise doing sth 建议某事


give sb some advice 给某人一些建议

ask for adcice 征求意见

take\follow one’s advice 听从岁哗灶;接受某人的意见


agree on 达成共识;就~取得一致意见

agree to 同意(后面接plan、request、suggestion、proposal等

agree with sb\sb’s idea\what sb say 赞成某人的意见

agree to do sth 同意做某事


first of all 首先

at all 根本;到底

not ~ at all 根本不~

all along 自始自终

in all 总共

above all 首先;最重要的是

after all 毕竟;别忘了

for all 尽管

all at once 突然

once and for all 最后一次

all by oneself 独自

all over 到处;结束

all but 几乎;差不多

all out 鼓足干劲

all over again 从头再来;再来一次

all over the world\the country 遍及全世界\全国

all right 不错;身体好;好的

all kinds of 各种各样的

all the same 仍然

all the time = all the way 一直

all day\night 整天\夜

all around 四处;到处;在~周围

all of~ 所有的~

all one’s life 毕生;一辈子


add~to~ 把~加到~上

add to 增加;增添

add up 加起来

add up to 总计;共达~


ask for sb 要求见某人

ask for sth 请求;要~

ask sb for sth 向某人要~

ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(别)做某事

ask for trouble 自找麻烦

ask after 问候

ask sb for help 向某人求芦袜助

ask for leave 请假

ask sb to~ 邀请某人去~

ask (sb) about~ ( 向某人)询问~


as if = as though 好像

as~as~ 像;如同

as to = as for 至于

as well 也;又

as well as~ 也;和

not as\so~as~ 不像;不如


(be) ahead of 在~前面;比~早;胜过;超过

ahead of time 提前

go ahead 前进;有进展;说下去


be anxious about sb\sth 为~而担心

be anxious for sth 渴望得到~

be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事


break into~ 闯入;破门而入

break in 插话乎扮;打断说话

break up 分解

break out 爆发;突然发生

break away (from sth) 脱离;打破

break down 出毛病;不运转;抛锚

break the record 打破记录

break off 打断;折断

break the rude 违反规定

break through 突破

break a promise 失信;食言

have a break 休息一下


hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

take breath 歇一歇;喘口气

take a (deep) breath (深)呼吸

catch one’s breath 歇口气;休息一下

(be) out of breath 上气不接下气


bring down 使~倒下\降下

bring out 使显现;阐明;出版

bring up 带大;培养;呕吐

bring to = bring ~ around 使恢复知觉

bring back 归还;使回忆起来

bring in 引进

bring on 使~前进


put one’s back into ~ 埋头工作;卖劲干

when someone’s back is turned 趁某人没注意

back away 退出

back out 放弃;收回;停止

back and forth 来回;往返

at the back of~ 在~后部\背后

back down\off 放弃;让步;退却


burn up 烧尽;耗尽

burn out 烧坏

burn down 烧毁

burn ~ to the ground 把~烧成平地


better off 景况较好

had better 最好还是

for the better 好转


come ture 实现

come to bits 摔碎;碎裂

come to a conclusion 得出结论

come into being 形成;出现

come off 脱落;掉下

come on 过来;加油;跟上

come back 回来;折回;想起来

come in\into 进来

come for sth 来取~

come up 上来

come across 偶然遇见

come through 经历;实现

come to 苏醒;达到;共计;复苏;等于

come around\round 来访;苏醒;复原

come over 过来

come about 发生

come apart (身体、精神上)崩溃

come from 来自(于);出生(于)

come to nothing 失败;无结果

to come 未来的;将到来的

come down 下来

come to light 出现;暴露

come out 出版;出来;开花


care for 在乎;喜欢

take care 小心

care about 在乎;关心

care to do sth 愿意做某事

take care of~ 照顾;保管

with care 仔细地;认真地


call at + 地点 访问某地

call on + 人 拜访某人

call up 打电话给~;招呼;想起;回忆起;应征

call for 要求;请求;为~而喊出

call in 请来;引入;召集;叫医生

call back 回电话

call off\away 转移开(注意力等)

call on\upon sb to do sth 号召某人做某事

give sb a call 打电话给某人

call off 取消;放弃

call out 大声叫喊


be certain of\abou 对~有把握

be certain to do 有把握做某事

It’s certain that~ 一定会~

make certain 弄清楚

a certain ~ 某个~


take one’s chance 利用机会

by chance 偶然

take a\the chance 碰运气

chance to do sth 碰巧做某事


charge sb some money for sth 向某人要价多少钱

(be) free of charge 免费

in charge of 负责

in the charge of 被负责

take charge of 负责~

put sth in one’s charge 把~交给某人负责

put the charge on ~ 把~(费用)记在~的账上


by day 日间;白天里

day after day 日复一日地

day and night 日日夜夜

one day 有一天;某日

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday 前天

the other day 前几天

another day 改天

day in\out 天天


die by 死于(溺水、上吊等)

die from 死于(外因: 灾难、伤害、事故等,也可接疾病名)

die of 死于(内因: 寒冷、饥饿、情绪等,也可接疾病名)

die out 消失;灭亡

die for 为~而死

die away 渐渐消逝;平息


have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难

have difficulty with sth 做某事有困难

without difficulty 毫不费力地

with difficulty 费劲地;困难地

do sth with\without difficulty 做某事有\无困难

in difficulties 处境困难


in doubt 怀疑

without doubt 毫无疑问

beyond doubt 毫无疑问

hang a doubt 悬而未决

no doubt 无疑问


dress up 给~穿上最好的衣服;给~乔装打扮

get dressed 穿衣

be dressed in + 衣 穿~

be well dressed 穿着讲究

dress sb 给~穿衣

dress oneself 自己穿衣服


at the end of 在~的尽头

to the end of 到~的尽头

by the end of 在~结束时;到~末为止

end up (with sth) (以~结束;告终)

in the end 最后;终于

make both ends meet 收支平衡

put an end to sth 结束~

at an end 结束;完毕

come to an end 停止;结束


make efforts\an effort to do sth 努力做~

spare no effort 不遗余力

in a common effort 共同努力


make one’s escape 逃跑;摆脱;逃避

escape from sth 从~逃脱

escape doing sth 逃脱做~

have a narrow escape 九死一生

escape one’s lips 脱口而出

escape one’s memory 忘记


for example 举例说明;例如

set an example to sb = set sb an example 为~而树立榜样

follow one’s example 学习某人的榜样

one example of ~ 一个~的例子

take ~ for example 以~为例


ever since 此后一直

ever so 非常

ever such a\an ~ 一个非常~的

for ever 永远

ever than 前所未有的


even though = even if 即使;纵然

be even (报复、算帐等)两清

get even 报复;算帐


catch one’s eye 引人注目

cry one’s eyes out 痛哭流涕

in someone’s eyes 在某人眼里;在某人心目中

keep an eye on 照看;密切关注

see eye to eye 与~看法吻合

set eyes on 看到;见到

turn a blind eye to 装做没看见


have an effect on 对~有影响

in effect 实际

put into effect 实行;生效


be free to do sth 自由自在做某事

be free of charge 免费

free and easy 自由散漫

set (sb) free 释放

be free from\of ~ 免受~;无~

be free to ~ 对~免费提供

free from 没有;离开

free with 大方的;不吝啬的

for free 免费

in one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间

Free on board (FOB) 离岸价


give in 屈服;让步;投降

give lessons to 给~上课

give off 发出(蒸汽、光等)

give out 分发;用完;耗尽;筋疲力尽;发出(气味、日等)

give up (doing) 放弃


be good at 擅长于

be good for sb 对某人有好处

be good to sb 对某人好

a good many 很多

do good 做好事

for good 永久地


hand in 缴交

hand out 分发

hand sth to sb 把某物传递给某人

hand over 移交

hand down 把~传下来

hand in hand 手牵手;并进;联合

hand to hand 短兵相接

shake one’s hand = shake hands with sb 与某人握手

give sb a big hand 帮助某人

by hand 手工;用手

from hand to hand 从一人手中传到某人手中

in hand 手头上有

in one’s hand 在某人手里

on the one hand ,on the other hand 一方面~,另一方面~

at hand = on hand 在手边;临近;在附近;即将到来

change hands 易手;转手

get out of hand 难以控制;撒野

hand on 传下来;依次传递

hand up 举手

give\have one’s hands full 很忙;手头工作满满的

in good hands 照看得好

lay hands on 得到;找到

off one’s hand 不再负责;脱手

wait on someone hand and foot 尽心伺候


hang one’s head (由于羞愧)垂下头

go to one’s head = turn one’s head 冲昏头脑;使人过于兴奋

keep one’s head 保持镇定

lose one’s head 感情冲动;失去理智;不知所措

put heads together 商量;交换看法

use one’s head 动脑筋

(be) head for 向~走去

head on 迎头


learn\know ~ by heart 记住~

at heart 在内心;实质上

lose heart (to sb) (对~)失去信心;欢笑

lose one’s heart to sb 爱上~

heart and soul 全心全意

break one’s heart 使某人伤心

cry one’s heart out 痛哭

have a change of heart 改变看法

have one’s heart in one’s mouth 非常惊讶;害怕

have one’s heart set on 热衷与

take heart to do sth 鼓起勇气做某事

with s heavy heart 心情沉重


help out 帮助克服困难;帮助从~里面出来

help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

help oneself to 随便吃、喝等:自取


invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

invite sb to + 地 邀请某人去~


be interested in ~ 对~有兴趣

a place of interest 名胜

take an interest in ~ 关心;对~有兴趣

have an interest in ~ 在~上有兴趣


be in for sth 即将经受(由指不愉快的事)

in and out 进进出出

have it in for 挟嫌;报复;整人


if only 但愿;要是~就好了;只要


join up 连接起来

join in 参加

join sb in (doing) sth 和某人一起

join the army 参军

join ~ to ~ 把~连接到~上


odd jobs 零活;杂务

be out of a job 失业

make a good job of sth 把某事做好

a good job 幸运事


play a joke on sb 开某人的玩笑

joke with sb about sth 就~与某人开玩笑

have a joke with sb about sth 就~与某人开玩笑

in joke 闹着玩的

tell a joke 讲个笑话

It’s a joke 说着玩的

no joke 不是闹着玩的

make jokes\a joke about sb\sth 开某人\某事的玩笑

a pratical joke 恶作剧


the just man 正直的人


keep on doing sth 继续做某事;反复做某事

keep doing sth 连续不断地做某事

keep back 阻止;流下

keep fit 保持健康

keep off 让开;不接近

keep ~ in mind 记住;想着

keep ~ out (of) ~ 不让~进入;使~在外

keep up with 跟上

keep up 保持;续

keep one’s promise 履行诺言

kep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系

keep ~ away from 使~远离

keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

keep at 坚持做

keep down 控制;压制;放低(声音)

for keeps 永远

keep sb at sth 使某人继续做某事

keep sb in 留下;把(学生)关学

keep sth to oneself 保密

keep up with 跟上


knock at\on 敲(门、窗)

knock down 撞倒

knock into sb 撞到某人身上

knock out of 从~中敲出来

knock sb about 接连打击;粗暴对待

knock off 下班;收工

knock sb out 把某人打昏过去


know sb to be 知道某人是~

know of 知道(间接)

be known for 因~而出名

be known of 为~而熟知

make oneself known (to sb) 自我介绍


look at 看;观看

look after 照料;照顾

look around\round 四处看看

look back 回头看;回忆

look down on\upon 看不起;轻视

look for 寻找

look forward to (doing) 盼望(做)

look on sb as~ 把某人当作~看待

look out (for sth) 当心;小心

look over 审阅;检查

look through 翻阅;浏览

look up 查询;向上看

look sb up and down 上下打量某人

take\have a look (at) 看一看


long ago 很久以前

long before 很久

before long 不久

no longer = not ~ any longer 不再

as long as 如果;只要

long after 在~后很久

long for 极想得到

long to 极想做


be made of 由~制成(成品可见原材料)

be made in 在~制造的

be made from 由~制成(成品不可见原材料)

be made into 被制成~

make use of 利用

make fun of 取笑

make up one’s mind (to do sth) 下决心(做某事)

make a plan for 为~做计划

make out 弄清楚

make it 成功

make sure = make certain 弄确实

make one’s way to (艰难)行进

make do with 凑合着用

make for 走向;向~前进

make off 逃走;匆忙离去

make up 编造;虚构;调停;和解;打扮;化装


take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事

make ~ to one’s own measure 依照某人的尺寸做~

measure sth against sb 用~去比身材

measure sb for sth 量体裁衣


next door (to) 在隔壁

next year 明年

the next year 第二年

next to nothing 极少;几乎没有

next to 在~的旁边


call someone names 谩骂;骂人

make a name for oneself 成名


in (good) order 按(正确的)顺序

(be) out of order 出了毛病;发生事故

keep order 维持秩序

in order to\that 为了;以便

on order 已经定购的

place an order for sth with sb 向某人定购某物

order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事


get one’s own back on 报仇;报复

of one’s own 属于某人自己的

on one’s own 独自地

own up to 承认错误;坦白


pay a visist to 访问~

pay back 偿还(借款等)

pay for sth 付钱;支付;付出代价

pay off 还清(债务)

pay the bill 付帐

pay down 预先支付


put away 放好;把~收起来

put up 挂起;举起;;投宿;安排在~住下

put on 穿;戴上;上演

put off 拖延;推迟;延期

put into 输入;使进入

put down 记下;平息;把~记下来

put sth down 把某物放下来

put down your hands 把手放下

put out 扑灭;关熄

put across 沟通

put side 放在一边;留下

put sth right 修理;改正

put up with 容忍;忍受


quarrel with sb about sth 与某人为某事而争吵

have a quarrel with sb over sth 与某人为某事而争吵


put a question\questions to sb 向某人提问

(be) in question 谈论中的

(be) out of question 不可能的;办不到的


remember to do sth 记住要去做某事

remember doing sth 记住曾经做过某事

remember A to B 替A向B问好

remember sth as ~ 把某物作为~来铭记


run dry 干涸

run across = run into 偶然遇见

run after 追捕;跟踪

run away with sb\sth 带人私奔\携物潜逃

run sb down 把某人撞倒

run over (车辆等)辗转

in the long run 最后;结果;终究

run out (of) 用完;耗尽

run wild 胡闹;撒野

run off 赶走

run for 竞选

run in 拜访

run at 突然袭击

run into 跑进;撞倒


set up 建立;创立;竖立

set sail 启航

set out for ~ 出发到~

set off for ~ 出发到~

a set of 一套

be set in~ 以~为背景

set the table 摆餐具

set about doing sth 动手做某事

set a bone 接骨


serve (sb) as sth 充当~

serve sb with sth 端上饭菜

be at one’s service 随时帮助某人

service first 服务第一

Servive the People 服务人民

serve the army 在军队服役


take care 小心

take care of ~ 照顾~

take up 占据

take in 吸收

take sth out of ~ 把某物从~中取出

take off 脱掉;起飞

take it easy 小心

take along 随身携带

take one’s time 慢慢来

take away 拿走

take trouble to do sth 不辞辛劳做某事

take down\out 记下;取下;取出

take food\medicine 吃食物\药

take sides (in) 站在~一边

take sb back to 使某人回忆起

take sth as one’s own 把~占为己有

take afte (相貌)像

take sth apart 拆卸

take sth for 错认为;以为

take sth on 接受;答应

take sth over 接手:接管

take to sth 开始;染上;委身于

take to someone 开始爱上某人

take a road\path 走路


from time to time 间或;时常

time and time again 多次;不断地

at a time 一次;每次

at one time 以前;曾经

for the time being 暂时

in time 及时

on time 准时

in no time 立即

in good time 及时

tell the time 会看钟表

kill time 消磨时间

at the same time 同时

have a good time 完得很高兴;过得愉快

at times 有时

in modern times 现代;近代

in course of time 最后

serve the time 随波逐流

keep time (钟表)走得准


go out of use 废弃;不再被使用

have the use of 有权使用

(be) of no use 没用;无效

use up 用完;耗尽

It is no use doing sth 做某事没有用

be used to do sth 被用来做某事

be used for sth 被用于~

be\get used to doing sth 习惯做某事

used to do sth 过去总是做某事

be used as ~ 被当作~来使用


do up 扣(纽扣);收拾;打扮

up and down 上上下下


come into view 望得见;进入视野

in view 在看得见的地方

on view 展览着; 上映中

in view of 鉴于;考虑到;由于

in one’s view 就某人的看法


at the top of one’s voice 高声地(喊叫);使劲地(喊叫)

in a low voice 低声地


get in a word 插话

have a word with sb 和某人说句话

have words with sb 与某人发生口角

in a word 总而言之

in another word = in other words 换句话说

keep one’s word = be as good as one’s word =be ture to one’s word 信守诺言

1. so+谓语+主语:…也一样. 谓语:be动词/助动词/情态动词

2. so+主语+谓语:的确如此,真的这样.

3. help yourself/yurselves to...请随便吃点...

4. 发现sb做sth : find sb doing sth

5. 不完全同意I don’t really agree.

完全不同败做意I really don’t agree.

6. 或者..或者...either…or…..就近原则



7. 看起来派枯岁,似乎It seems/seemed that…..

8. 由于...而闻名be famous for….

9. 餐馆就餐用语:a table for two/sit at the table by the window/here’s the menu/May I take your order?/could we have the bill?/That’s all.

10. 问路Which is the way to…/where is…/How can I get to…/Is there a..near here/Can you tell me the way to…/Can you tell me how I can get to…?

11. turn right at the third crossing/traffic lights在第3个路口往右拐=take the third crossing on your right

12. 过桥go across the bridge=cross the bridge

13. 走到路的尽头go up this road to the end=go on until you reach the end.

14. at the street corner在街角

15. on sb’s way to….在sb去…的途中/路上

16. what’s the matter?=what’s wrong?=what’s the trouble?怎么了?

17. be sick in hospital/in bed 生病住院/卧床

18. Maybe it is there=it may be there可能在那里.

19. It takes/took/will take sb+时间+to do sth. Sb做sth花费了…时间

20. 路途遥远It’s (5 kms)far(away) from…=That’s quite a long way.

21. wait for…等待

22. 五分钟的步行/驾驶路程:five minutes’ walk/drive

23. 迷路lose sb’s way/sb be lost/sb get lost

24. just then=just at that time/moment就在那时

25. 首先first of all=at first

26. a big city like Tokyo像东京这样的大城市

27. It’s easy/interesting/important/ (for sb) to do sth.(对sb来说)做sth是容易的/有趣的/重要的.

28. if 条件状语从句:从句一般现在时,主句一般将来时。如:If it rains tomorrow, I will not go to the zoo.

29. at the head /end of…在…的前/尾部

30. 我的背很疼. My back hurts badly.

31. 为…做准备get /尘睁be ready for…

32. stop sb (from) doing sth.阻止/不让sb做sth

33. have a good/wonderful time=enjoy oneself 玩得很高兴

34. answer in a tired voice/with a smile 用疲惫的声音/面带微笑回答。

35. quarrel with sb on sth 为了sth与sb 吵架

36. complain about sth 为…而抱怨,投诉

37. 生病用语:sb have a headache=sb have a pain in the head 头痛,have a cough 咳嗽,have/catch a cold 感冒,have cancer 得了癌症。

38. have /take the medicine three times a day 吃药,每天3次

39. take sb’s temperature 量体温,look over 医生检查病人

40. drink more water 多喝水,take more exercise 多锻炼

41. sb醒来: sb wake up, //sb 醒着的:sb be awake

42. sb 睡着了入睡 be/fall asleep

43. 忙着…bu busy doing/with sth

44. as soon as… 一… 就 ...

45. sleeping pills安眠药,light music 轻音乐

46. again and again 再三地,一次又一次

47. dream about…梦见…; dream of… 梦想成为…

48. 系动词+形容词: be/smell/taste/sound/look/feel/turn/get/become

49. make trouble制造麻烦,惹是生非,make a noise 制造噪音

50. every five minutes 每隔5分钟

51. instead/instead of…代替,取而代之,反而

52. write to sb. 写信给sb

53. get enough sleep 睡眠充足;stay happy 保持心情开朗

54. on time 准时;in time 按时

55. sb had better (not) do sth, sb 最好(别)做sth

56. land on …登陆

57. pull…out of..=pull…up from…拉上来

58. 不定代词:something/anyone/nobody/everywhere等

59. we’re all by ourselves=we’re alone.单独,独自

60. feel a little afraid/don’t be afraid. 有点害怕/别害怕

61. perhaps=maybe也许,可能

62. not …until… 直到…才…

63. sooner or later 迟早,早晚

64. ran after追//ran to …向..跑去// ran away 逃跑了

65. eat up 吃光// use up 用完

66. take (good) care of ..=look after…照顾,保管

67. 我自学英语learn English by myself= teach myself English

68. learn to do sth 学会…

69. 记日记 keep a diary,写日记 write a diary

70. leave sb by oneself 单独留下sb

71. join in the League/Party 入团/党

72. 越来越…:比较级+and+比较级; more and more +多音节词。如:bigger and bigger , more and more interesting

73. 越…, 就越…: the +比较级,the +比较级。 如:越大越好:the bigger, the better

74. turn on/off 开/关(电器),turn up/down音量开大/小

75. the whole story=all the story整个故事,整件事情

76. 过了一会儿after a while/moment

77. make faces 做鬼脸

78. 名胜,景点interesting places=places of interest

79. my hometown in Zhejiang 我浙江的老家

80. 暑假summer holidays; 五一假期 May 1st holiday

81. a strong wind大风;in the wind 在风里

82. make sb do sth. 使/逼迫sb做sth

83. 倒装句(为了强调)There he is./ Away he went.

84. with these words. 说完这些话,说着说着(伴随状语)。

85. I don’t know how to use it yet. 我不知道怎样使用它。

where to go. 我不知道该去哪里。

what to do. 我不知道该做什么。

86. wait for sb’s turn to do sth 等着轮到sb做sth

It’s sb’s turn to do sth. 轮到sb去做sth

what/how about +doing

why not +ing

why don’you do sth

would you like to do sth

would you mind doing sth 你介不介意做某事

make + do 使得

make sb + do sth 逼迫sb做sth

remember doing sth 记得做过的事

stop doing sth 停止做某事

remember to do sth 记得去做某事

stop to do sth 停下来去做某事



decided + to do sth

be busy + doing sth

have trouble + doing sth

had better+ do sth

learn + to do

turn + to do sth 轮到sb去做sth

Talk about how often you do things 谈论做事情的频率

try to do sth. 试着去做某事

hope + doing sth

offer + doing sth

finish + doing sth

ask sb sth 询问某人某事

ask sb to do 叫某人做某事

be able to do sth 能够干什么

be afraid to do (of sth ) 不敢,胆怯去做某事,主观

be afraid of doing 担心出现doing的状况、结果,客观

be allowed to do 被允许做什么

be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气

be ashamed to do

be glad + to do

be going to + do 将来时

be good at(+doing)在某方面善长, 善于……

be happy to do 很高兴做某事

be sorry to do

be strict in doing sth 严于做某事

be supposed to do 被要求干什么

be sure to do sth 一定会做某事

be terrified to do sth 害怕做某卜物此事

be worth doing 值得做什么

begin to do = start to do 开始做某事

bother sb to do sth

end up +doing

find +it +adj +to do 发现做某事怎么样

fit to sb = be fit for sb 适合某人

go on to do 去做下一件事 go on doing 继续做这件事

good way to 好方法

have been to …( 地方)……去过某过地方 have gone to …(地方) 去了某地还没回来

have sth to do 有什么事要做

have to do sth 必须做某事

hope to do sth 希望做某事

be similar to sth 相似

find sb doing sth

consider doing sth 考虑做某事

continue doing sth 坚持做某事

imagine doing sth 想象做某事

think about doing sth 考虑做某事

practise doing sth 练习做型迅某事

spend doing sth

suggest doing sth

can’help doing sth 情不自禁

have a hard time doing sth

have a great time doing sth

have fun doing sth

have problems doing sth

forget to do 忘记要去做某事 (未做)

forget doing 忘记做过某事 (已做)

regret to do 对要做的事遗憾 (未做)

regret doing 对做过的事遗憾、后悔。 (已做)

cease to do 长时间,甚至永远停做某事

cease doing 短时停止做某事,蚂睁以后还会接着做

try to do 努力,企图做某事

try doing 试验,试着做某事

go on to do 做了一件事后,接着做另一件事

go on doing 继续做原来做的事

interested to do 对做某事感兴趣,想了解某事

interested in doing 对某种想法感兴趣,doing 通常为想法

mean to do 打算、想

mean doing 意味着

begin / start to do sth begin, start用进行时时,后接know, understand, realize这类动词时,物作主语时

begin / start doing sth.谈及一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时

feel like doing sth 想要做某事

now that 既然

since then 从那时起

unless 除非

even though/if 即使

so far 到目前为止

from now on 从现在起

neither nor 既不 也不

if so 假如这样

too to 太 而不能

so that 如此 以至于

as soon as 一 就

as soon as possible 尽快地

break off 终止

give up 放弃

at present 目前

in the way 挡道的

in this way就这样

by the way 顺便

on this way to 在 的路上

knock at 敲

knock into 相撞

plenty of 大量的

come up with 提出

come out 出版,发表

belong to 属于

make up 形成,组成

use up 用完

turn off 关掉

quite a few 相当多,不少

give out 分发

give away 捐赠

put off 推迟

set up 建立

think up 想出

fix up 修理

mix up 混合

put up 张贴

put on 穿上

ask for 要求

break down 损坏

make it 成功的

remember + doing (已做过) / to do (本来做)

forget + doing (已做过)/ to do (未做过)

stop + doing (停止做某事)/ to do (停下来去做另祥乎一件事)

try + doing (试着做某事)/ to do (尽力做某事)

spend … on … (谨指悉花钱)

spend … doing … (花时逗颂间)





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